دوشنبه ۲۰ اسفند ۱۴۰۳ | 10 - 03 - 2025

Communist party of iran

No to the G20 Summit, No to the Capitalist System, Long Live Global Solidarity

The 2017 G20 summit (nineteen countries and the European Union) will be held on 7–8 July 2017 in the city of Hamburg (Germany). Those who come together at this summit are the most prominent representatives of the system that is behind the chaos that is engulfing our world today. Although they claim that they are coming together to find solutions to the existing crises, the truth is that they are representatives of a capitalist order that has been creating all these crises.

The rivalries between imperialist states and regional powers, proxy wars, sectarian and ethnic wars and the rise of highly reactionary religious groups are the main elements of this general chaos. This situation has left destructive consequences for millions of people and has turned their lives into a hell. They create chaos wherever they step. Tramp or Putin, Merkel or Macron or Erdogan and all those who are participating in the summit are the ones who have turned the world into their playing field of rivalry. These are the same ones who lay the heavy burden of their crises on the lower layers of society.

They increase their military budgets every year, with nearly one billion people living below the poverty line. Their weapons sent to crisis-ridden regions of the world have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions of people in these areas. They have destroyed the environment by looting the natural resources of peripheral countries and by changing the way agricultural lands are utilized to best serve the global giant monopolies. They are the main responsible for the massive asylum tragedy. This massive human wave of migrants who are cut off from their homelands are victims of this chaos that is currently ruling the world. The chaos that helped all kind of reactionary forces to emerge. All the solutions presented by the actors in this chaos are the cause of its expansion and more instability.

Africa and the Middle East are the most obvious expression of this situation. The dispatch of hundreds of thousands of NATO troops into Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia and Russia’s entry into these conflicts not only has not created the slightest stability in these countries, but has turned them into a bloody field of rivalry between imperialist states and regional powers. The proxy, ethnic and sectarian wars have destroyed these countries and have turned them into a slaughterhouse for the people. Only few actors such as the reactionary Islamic regime of Iran are missing from the summit to bring together all the criminal actors in the Middle East.

As a result of these rivalries and proxy wars and in the absence of a revolutionary and socialist alternative, a reactionary global-Islamic movement has emerged that although appears with different names in different regions and countries, but they share the same reactionary nature and essence. They are the response of a reactionary current to the new imperialist plan in the Middle East.

We should not allow millions of people in the world to become victims of rivalries between imperialist states, reactionary regional powers and ultra-reactionary Islamic movements. We should not allow the G-20 summit and all those who maintain the capitalist order to push the world towards more destruction. Only the resistance and struggle of the working class and the masses of people of the world can end the barbarism of capitalism. The widespread acceptance of the joint call against the summit in Germany and throughout Europe, and even the presence of representatives from the protest movements in the United States and South American countries is a clear demonstration of the fact that widespread attack by capitalism on the life and living standards of the masses of people has caused more and more people to join the global protest against this inhuman system.

As the Communist Party of Iran, we have from the very beginning considered ourselves a part of this protest movement and have actively tried to help expand and strengthen it. The presence of more than 20000 police forces to protect the summit and create a military atmosphere in the city of Hamburg shows the fear of the organizers of the summit of the range and power of this movement. Without a doubt, the ongoing protests against G-20 are parts of a global struggle against capitalism.

Long live the global movement against the capitalist system
Long live the revolution, long live socialism

Communist Party of Iran

July 2017
