Statement by the Central Committee of Komala voicing concern over human disaster in Kobani


For more than two weeks the mostly Kurdish Syrian border town of Kobani has been under the attack of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) terrorist forces. During the past days ISIS took some of it forces out of Iraq and sent them into Syria to concentrate its forces in the Northern part of the country. The terrorist group using armed vehicles, artillery and missiles, launched its onslaught on Kobani, also known as Ayn Arab, a canton that is ruled by the risen masses and the political forces active in Syrian Kurdistan. The group could advance on Kobani and besiege more of it by controlling more than 21 villages in the east and west of the town.

The militant people of Kobani, young, old, women and men all united have armed themselves and with all in their power have been defending their lives and their achievements against the attacks of this barbaric group. They know that if their town falls into the hands of ISIS, there will be a bigger human tragedy than what we witnessed in Shangal and the consequences will be more catastrophic.

ISIS onslaught against the people of Kobani was met with silence from the US and other Western states that claim the group to be a threat to their interests and at war with it as well as among the international community which is well aware of the criminal nature and barbaric actions of ISIS. While this silence was accompanied by the news of an international coalition being formed against ISIS, it shows how insincere are these claims and how the US and its reactionary allies in the region in fact use ISIS as a means for achieving their goals and against any freedom-seeking voice. The Turkish government which apparently hasn’t yet approved to accompany the US-led coalition of thirty states against ISIS has been cooperating with ISIS in this barbarous onslaught and has been helping the group in various ways. Turkish troops today clashed with the people who had come from the Turkish Kurdistan to help the besieged people of Kobani just to use ISIS again as a means against the people in Kurdistan. While this group has become a tool in the hands of the Turkey’s fascist state to carry out its plans against the Kurdish people of Syria, it has also become a means for threatening the security and disturbing the peace of a people who during the past two years have proved that they can run their own affairs and keep their area safe from the killings and destructions caused by a war that has ripped off the country.

Komala strongly condemns the barbarous onslaught by the terrorist group of ISIS against the brave and militant people of Kobani. We are certain that the resistance and fight of the militant people of Kobani and that of the freedom-seeking people of the region against the ultra-reactionary forces of ISIS will win. The success of people’s fight in Kobani will provide a historical lesson and experience that can be learned from in confronting and fighting any forces that want to endanger people’s lives. The triumph of the people of Kobani against the ISIS forces at the same will show the depth of the hypocrisy and the inefficiency of the policies of the capitalist states against ISIS. We ask all the militant people of Kurdistan, all the freedom-loving people of the world as well as all international human rights organizations and centers to help the people in Kobani in any way possible for them and stop the Shangal disaster from being repeated in Kobani too.

The Central Committee of Komala (the Kurdistan Organization of the Communist Party of Iran)

September 19, 2014